Spring Wedding Bouquet Mauve Dusty Rose Purples Navy, Bridal Bouquet Artificial, Silk Wedding Bouquet Peonies Garden Roses Roses Berries


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Perfect wedding bouquet featuring garden roses, peonies, eucalyptus and a blend of lush greeneries adorned with navy blue berries. Wrapped in elegant navy satin, this bridal bouquet exudes charm. The bouquet is a mixture of soft and vibrant colors such as purples, mauve, dusty rose, ivory and blush.

You can also coordinate matching bridesmaids' bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, and other artificial wedding flowers with this exquisite centerpiece.

Bridal Bouquet Details:

Size: Approximately 14" wide

Looking for a customized touch to make your wedding even more special? We're passionate about crafting personalized pieces. Send us a message with your vision, and we'll create something unique just for you.

For larger orders, reach out with all your event specifics, and we'll tailor a custom package to suit your needs.

Custom Order quote:

- Picture of the bouquet design you’re interested in
- Number of bouquets required along with the sizes (small, medium, large)
- Quantity for boutonnieres, wrist corsages etc.
- Event date
- Zip code/postal code
- Color swatches

Explore our shop for a delightful array of artificial wedding flowers that will elevate your wedding day:

Shop Link:

Your dream wedding bouquet awaits – a true masterpiece of faux floral elegance.

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